Egészséges és fogyókúrás? – Így támadnak be sunyin a kalóriák

Az emberek folyton csak nyígnak, hogy hiába a clean eating, a szuperegészséges élelmiszerek, a junk food teljes megtagadása, a kilók mégsem olvadnak le róluk, pedig milyen menő lenne, ha csupa modell alkatú nő és pasi állna reggel félálomban a villamoson. Egy 139 ezer követővel rendelkező Insta-sztár most rávilágít, miért is van ez. Zimre Zsuzsa írása.
Vannak a kalóriaszámlálók, a zsírmentesek, a szénhidrátmentesek, a mindenmentesek – és ettől szép a világ, bár lassan már szégyellem magam, amiért gond nélkül benyomok egy jó sajtos-tejfölös lángost, és nem zokogok három napig a sarokban, amiért megittam egy almalevet zubrowkával. Persze azért engem is elfog néha a vágy, hogy 42 kilós és 180 centis legyek, de mivel erre semmi esélyem, ezért gyorsan el is hessegetem a gondolatot. Sokan vannak viszont, akik nem, és közülük majdnem 140 ezer ember követi Lucy Mountaint, aki leginkább a testéről, ételekről és termékekről posztol, némi imázsképpel megtámogatva. Amiért vonzó lehet, az az, hogy nincs olyan alakja, ami elérhetetlen lenne, másrészt jó meglátásai vannak. Például arról, hogyan változtatja meg a kalóriák számát némi olaj vagy salátaöntet. Ő is arrafelé tereli az embereket, hogy ne csak a kalóriákat számolják, hanem gondolkodjanak, és ne feltétlenül azért vegyenek meg valamit, mert az egészségesnek van beállítva, míg a másik nem. Érdemes a kalóriaszámításon túl figyelembe venni a beltartalmi értékeket is, mert ugyan egy adag gumicukor és egy adag mandula hasonló kalóriaértékkel bír, mégis, ha megkérdezel egy dietetikust, nagy valószínűséggel nem a gumicukrot fogja ajánlani.
Itt van mindjárt ez a kép, amin héjában sült burgonya, majonézes tonhal és saláta látható, a jobb oldali mégis 246 kalóriával több mint a baloldali. A blogger szerint a különbség a láthatatlan kalóriákban van, és mindössze annyi, hogy a majonéz és a salátaöntet light, olaj helyett pedig olajsprayt használt. Látszik a különbség? Nem. Számokban viszont igen.
Spot the difference 🍽Both of these meals have the same amount of potato, tuna mayo and salad - but the plate on the right is 246 calories more than the left.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Firstly can I just say:⠀⠀ 1. It is possible to be both aware of your calorie intake AND enjoy a varied balanced diet/happy relationship with food at the same time.⠀⠀ 2. It is also possible to find calorie counting of any form tedious and negative. In which case, please ignore this post and keep on doing you 💕⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Now let's talk invisible calories. If you haven't guessed, the 3 differences here are in the salad dressing, the oil used to bake the potato and the mayonnaise in the tuna. On the left I've opted for 'lighter' versions of each of these as opposed to the 'normal' option.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ If your goal is weight-loss (and you are eating enough fat in the remainder of your meals for the day), making these kind of small tweaks can really go a long way. You're still eating the same volume of food for fewer calories - and it practically tastes the same 🙌.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Equally if your goal is weight-gain, going for the higher calorie options will help increase your intake for the day if needed.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Left Plate:⠀⠀ - 1 Potato⠀⠀ - 100g Salad⠀⠀ - 1 tin Tuna⠀⠀ + 15ml Light Caesar Dressing⠀⠀ + Frylight Spray⠀⠀ + 1 tbsp Lighter Light Mayo⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Right Plate:⠀⠀ - 1 Potato⠀⠀ - 100g Salad⠀⠀ - 1 tin Tuna⠀⠀ + 15ml Caesar Dressing⠀⠀ + 0.5 tbsp Olive Oil⠀⠀ + 1 tbsp Mayo⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ As always I'm not bashing ANY ingredients here, I don't believe in labelling foods as 'good' or 'bad'. This is simply to show context.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Okay bye 👋. #AnotherReallyShortCaptionForYou⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefashionfitnessfoodie
241 Likes, 14 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "Spot the difference 🍽Both of these meals have the same amount of potato, tuna mayo and salad - but..."
A chips hizlal, ez nem kérdés, és ha választani kell, akkor a nagy többség a zöldségchipsre szavaz. Hopp, pedig abban több a kalória. Persze a gyökérzöldségekből és a burgonyából készült chips eltér egymástól a beltartalmi értékeit tekintve, a kép jól mutatja, hogy ami egészségesnek van beállítva, az nem biztos, hogy kevés kalóriát is tartalmaz.
Salt and Vinegar Crisps vs Vegetable Crisps 🥔⠀ ⠀ Each of these bowls contain 1 bag (40g) of crisps. The bowl on the left are salt and vinegar, the bowl on the right are mixed root vegetable.⠀ ⠀ Although the difference in calories is pretty minuscule, you'd expect the vegetable crisps to be considerably less calories right? This is just another little reminder that often there's not much difference between the product marketed as the 'healthy alternative' and the real thing. So go for the thing you actually WANT to eat 🙌⠀ ⠀ Although there are many different aspects that describe 'healthy' (yes - it IS subjective), such as salt content, micro-nutrient value and how that food makes them feel, calories play a fundamental part in weight management. This post isn't to say 'TRACK EVERYTHANG, TRACK THAT DAMN CUCUMBER', it's more about looking at your diet within the context of a whole day - and eating the damn salt and vinegar crisps if that's want you actually want.⠀ ⠀ I want this and all my comparison posts to give encourage freedom with your food choices, not restriction. When 80% of my diet within a day is full of adequate micros and macros, i will ALWAYS eat food I love purely for taste. Because life. Ygm. 💁🏼⠀ ⠀ (All crisps are vegetable crisps 🌝)⠀ ⠀ Which side are you guys going for?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ *Crisps from Co-Op Irresistible range* - #FFFoodForThought #theFFF
127 Likes, 24 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "Salt and Vinegar Crisps vs Vegetable Crisps 🥔⠀ ⠀ Each of these bowls contain 1 bag (40g) of crisps...."
Itt van példának okáért az egészségesebbnek beállított keserű csokoládé – ha már édességet eszel, inkább azt edd, mint a tejes verziót . A keserű csoki a legtöbb esetben kevesebb cukrot, több rostot és vasat tartalmaz, mint a tejcsoki, ám – valljuk be – senki nem a beltartalmi értékei miatt eszi a csokoládét, hanem egyszerűen boldoggá akarja tenni magát.
Chocolate vs 100g 85% Dark Chocolate 🍫 ⠀ ⠀ So it's pretty unknown that dark chocolate actually has more calories than milk chocolate (and white chocolate for that matter.)⠀ ⠀ Dark is often given the label as the 'healthy' version of chocolate. And although calories aren't the sole indicator of 'healthy', we just presume it has lower calories. So which one is best for weight-loss?⠀ ⠀ In most cases, Dark chocolate has less sugar, more fiber and more iron than milk. It's basically more nutritious than milk chocolate.⠀ ⠀ Regardless, I will always go for milk for two reasons:⠀ ⠀ 1. I think Dark chocolate tastes like garden leaves.⠀ ⠀ 2. Chocolate isn't something I'll seek out when I'm looking to pack in those vitamins and minerals - especially in a diet that already consists of adequate fruit, vegetables and micronutrient-dense food 🥗 I enjoy chocolate for it's taste, not it's nutritional value. My diet is inclusive of it always - no matter what my goal is at the time 💪⠀ ⠀ For those of who genuinely love dark chocolate, keep doing you 💕. However if you PREFER the taste of milk, but force yourself to eat dark because you've read it's 'healthier', just have the milk chocolate and enjoy it 💪 In terms of weight-loss from a calorie perspective, it's actually more beneficial and will raise happiness levels by 938% (unproven stat.)⠀ ⠀ Don't eat things you don't enjoy for the sake of it. Personal enjoyment is 'healthy' in my eyes 💁🏼 Which side are you guys?!⠀ ⠀ #theFFF
126 Likes, 17 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "100g Milk Chocolate vs 100g 85% Dark Chocolate 🍫 ⠀ ⠀ So it's pretty unknown that dark chocolate..."
És akkor el is érkeztünk egy izgalmas kérdéshez, mégpedig a mennyiséghez. Ezen a képen eper látható, méghozzá két különböző formájában. Az első 30 dekagramm, a második 3,5. Mindkettő 100 kalória. Az egyikből sokkal könnyebb túlenni magad, hiszen nem nagy mennyiség. A másikban azért van anyag.
100 calories of Strawberries vs 100 calories of Strawberries 🍓⠀ ⠀ The portion on the left weighs 300g and the portion on the right weighs 35g, however both amount to 100 calories.⠀ ⠀ I don't about you guys but I love eating... like just eating. Anything. In general 🌝 So whenever I'm trying to get a little bit leaner, I love low calorie/high volume snacks. They make me feel like I'm eating more - like picking a bowl of fresh strawberries as opposed to a snack bag of dried strawberries 💪⠀ ⠀ People often presume dried fruit has the same macro/micro nutrient value as fresh fruit and don't really take the huge difference in volume into account. Being aware of these factors could really help improve your portion control when eating either of these type of foods - and get you to your goal quicker 💕⠀ ⠀ Don't get me wrong; dried fruit is waaaay easier to eat when you're on the go (ain't nobody got time to whip out a punnet of strawberries lol). So they could be a good option if convenience is the priority. But when fatloss is the goal, 300g of fresh strawberries is likely to be more satiating.⠀ ⠀ Anyway I personally like my strawberries dowsed in gelatin with the label 'Haribo' on it.⠀ ⠀ #FFFoodForThought #theFFF⠀
107 Likes, 5 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "100 calories of Strawberries vs 100 calories of Strawberries 🍓⠀ ⠀ The portion on the left weighs..."
A mennyiség mentén továbbhaladva, itt van három, fehérjével felturbózott ital, edzés utánra vagy reggelire. A számok elég ütősek. Az első képen mandulatej és fehérjepor keveréke látható, mindössze 130 kalória. A másodikon egy banán, és némi méz is került a pohárba extrán – így máris 296 kalóriánál tartunk. A harmadiknál – na, ez a sokkoló – 500 kalória a pohár, mert került bele mogyoróvaj és lenmag is.
All three of these are smoothies. However depending on the ingredients thrown in, the calorie content varies pretttttty massively. Here's the breakdown:⠀ ⠀ 1. 130 kcal:⠀ - 300ml almond milk⠀ - 1 scoop protein⠀ ⠀ 2. 296 kcals:⠀ - 300ml almond milk⠀ - 1 scoop protein⠀ - 1 banana⠀ - 1 tbsp honey⠀ ⠀ 3. 500 kcals:⠀ - 300ml almond milk⠀ - 1 scoop protein⠀ - 1 banana⠀ - 1 tbsp honey⠀ - 1 tbsp peanut butter⠀ - 2 tbsp flaxseed⠀ ⠀ Now some people have a smoothie as a meal, others have them as a snack - and either way, that's totally fine 🙌However if weight-loss is your goal, being more mindful of what you throw into your smoothies could really make a difference 💪⠀ ⠀ Peanut butter, nuts and seeds are all super delicious in shakes but throwing all of them in unknown quantities can often take the calories up. You don't need to track everything or be over meticulous, but having a basic awareness will help you on your way 🙌 ⠀ ⠀ Although it really depends on what else i've eaten that day, as a general rule of thumb I'll stick to a 3/4 ingredients and weigh each of them out 💕⠀ ⠀ I hope this helps you guys and gives you a bit of context.⠀ ⠀ (I wasted so much peanut butter in making this post 💔) #FFFoodForThought #theFFF
93 Likes, 6 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "All three of these are smoothies. However depending on the ingredients thrown in, the calorie..."
És máris itt van a legszomorúbb rész: az alkohol. A blogger szerint másfél deci bor több mint dupla annyi kalória, mint egy gin- tonic. Sírok.
150ml Gin & Slimline Tonic vs. 150ml White Wine 🥂⠀ ⠀ So I'm not really a casual drinker - I'm very much GO HARD OR GO HOME lol 💁🏼 I probably go out and get suitably drunk once or twice a month. This has nothing to do with being all #fitness, I'd just rather go for dinner most of the time than slam jagerbombz in Shoreditch.⠀ ⠀ Alcohol has calories (as much as we don't gaf after a few units 😏), and they can add up pretty quickly on a night out depending on what you drink. If you're a regular drinker, something as simple as swapping your white wine for a Gin and Diet tonic could slice your potential calorie intake by over half 🙌 Just something to bear in mind if you're watching your intake 💕⠀ ⠀ P.s. I genuinely used to pre-drink a bottle of white wine at Uni. Was i okay?⠀ ⠀ P.p.s. Did you know alcohol is it's own macronutrient? 😏⠀ ⠀ #FFFoodForThought #theFFF
157 Likes, 19 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "150ml Gin & Slimline Tonic vs. 150ml White Wine 🥂⠀ ⠀ So I'm not really a casual drinker - I'm very..."
Egészséges reggeli? Igen, ezt sok gyártó kommunikálja. Itt van mindjárt a nálunk is kapható Belvita, illetve a Digestive keksz. Na, melyiket választod, ha édesre vágysz, de odafigyelsz önmagadra? Naná, hogy a Belvitát. Pedig – megnézve a két terméket – majdnem azonos a kalóriatartalma és a beltartalmi értekei is kis híján megegyeznek. Ráadásul a Digestive kevesebb cukrot tartalmaz, mint a Belvita – írja a blogger, aki hozzáteszi, hogy a Belvitában van olyan tápanyag, ami a másik termékben nincs, de ez 150 grammnyi spenóttal könnyen pótolható. Végezetül azt javasolja, hogy ha csak ennél valami jót, akkor válaszd nyugodtan a Belvitát, de ha csupán azért ennéd, mert egészségesnek titulálták, akkor érdemesebb a célodnak jobban megfelelő variációt keresni.
'Healthy Breakfast' vs 'Naughty Snack' 🌝⠀ ⠀ I've been talking a lot about labels recently, and I thought this would be good example of what I'm talkin bout.⠀ ⠀ On the left is a pack of Belvita Breakfast biscuits, on the right we have 4 digestive biscuits. One is marketed as a 'healthy breakfast' and the other is seen as a 'naughty snack.'⠀ ⠀ They're practically the same calories and macros, with the digestive biscuits being a fraction higher in protein and lower in sugar than Belvitas 🙄.⠀ ⠀ Yes, Belvita has an extra few micronutrients but only the equivalent to approximately 150g of spinach lol. Which one would hope you'd get from the rest of your diet anyway.⠀ ⠀ So yeah in short, buy Belvita if you enjoy them and they're working for you (#YouDoYou always 💕) but if you're only buying them because they're marketed as a 'healthy' breakfast, I'd argue you might find a better choice more suited to your goal.⠀ ⠀ (Digestives are also 60% cheaper #BargainLife)⠀ ⠀ #theFFF
309 Likes, 16 Comments - theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Instagram: "'Healthy Breakfast' vs 'Naughty Snack' 🌝⠀ ⠀ I've been talking a lot about labels recently, and I..."
Kiemelt képünk illusztráció - Forrás: Shutterstock/Ana D